Homepage > China Housing- CREIS 100 Cities Price Change Data
China Housing- CREIS 100 Cities Price Change Data
Posted: 1 August, 2021

China Housing: the 93 cities (with consistent historical data) from CREIS 100 cities house price data for July show in aggregate further slight deceleration in growth rates. Xi'an saw its price index jump the most m/m while Dongguan leads y/y. Tier-1 decelerated as a group, though Shanghai growth has accelerated.

Cities highlighted in red on the chart (12M vs 1M growth, bubble size = the absolute price level) are the ones with the strongest and weakest growth rates.
Many cities impose administrative price caps on house prices (and increasingly land prices).

The official NBS house price indices for July come out in mid-August.

[From Real Estate Foresight's Data Update published yesterday, more info at realestateforesight.com]