Homepage > 12th annual China Property Outlook by REF - "Draw the Line" Survey
12th annual China Property Outlook by REF - "Draw the Line" Survey
Posted: 23 January, 2024

As part of Real Estate Foresight (REF)'s 12th annual China Property Outlook, we invite anyone involved in or interested in China property sector to join this year's anonymous "Draw the Line" survey (draw on desktop/laptop, input the year-end figure on mobile):

🔗 Link to "Draw the Line 2024"

We will present the results back here by the end of next week.

Instead of phrases like 'cautiously optimistic', or 'still bearish', or 'turning bullish', this focuses on a path for a particular metric over the next 12 months: the national-level new home ('commercial residential') sales in Gross Floor Area, as published monthly by the NBS - in terms of the 12-month rolling average year-on-year figure.

It serves as a good starting point for more detailed discussions.